Jamie Lynn Macchia, Gold Getter

Miss New York Takes on Children’s Cancer

Jamie Lynn MacchiaSeveral years ago, I attended a childhood cancer fundraising event and heard a father explain to the crowd that only 4% of the federal funding for cancer research was designated for children’s cancers. He explained that when his daughter was diagnosed, he was told there were no options available to save her. I couldn’t believe it and, in that moment, I decided I could do more to make a difference.

As Miss New York, I have chosen to not only help increase awareness about the need for children’s cancer research, but inspire action, as well. Though, my commitment truly began many years ago. My best friend, Dominic, was diagnosed with leukemia when we were only 10 years old. I still remember the trials he endured – the side effects of medication, the struggle to find a bone marrow match, and the lack of updated and effective treatments. After a brave battle with this disease, Dominic passed away shortly after his fifteenth birthday. With my platform, “Inspiring Action Against Pediatric Cancer,” I am able to help change the future for our children while keeping Dominic’s spirit alive.

People need to know the facts when it comes to childhood cancer. Cancer is the #1 disease killer of children. Thousands of children in the United States will be diagnosed this year alone. Even those children who do survive face a lifetime of doctor appointments, side effects, and the possibility of secondary cancers or other illnesses – often because of the treatments they have received. This is unacceptable. We need more research directed to childhood cancer today.

Together we can be a powerful catalyst to invest in childhood cancer research and inspire real change in this country. I believe CureSearch is doing an incredible job of accelerating the search for cures and providing new pathways to superior treatments. In support of CureSearch’s investment in research, I will be attending my first Walk on October 11 in Bethlehem, PA, and I can’t wait!

For more information about how you can invest in finding new cures and treatments, please contact CureSearch at info@curesearch.org.

Jamie Lynn Macchia
Miss New York 2015

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