
2023 CureSearch Summit (1)
2023 CureSearch Summit (4)

Thank you to our 2023 CureSearch Summit Attendees! Please stay tuned for details about next year's event.

Please note: Summit is an invitation-only event. Interested parties without an invitation are encouraged to fill out the interest form at the bottom of this page.

Photo from 2019 CureSearch Summit in Boston
Photo from 2019 CureSearch Summit in Boston

The impact of Summit

Strategic collaborations are the key to long-term change. Summit creates connections and community among leaders in science, academia, regulatory, funding and industry by providing platforms for engagement. These critical conversations help drive innovation.

"We have a responsibility to educate the next generation of clinician-scientists, through medical school training, through educational initiatives and through symposia like Summit." - Dr. Samuel Volchenboum, Associate Chief Research Informatics Officer at The Division of Biological Sciences at the University of Chicago

Photo from 2019 CureSearch Summit in Boston
Photo from 2019 CureSearch Summit in Boston

The big data revolution

Summit 2023 will address the potential of machine learning and artificial intelligence in medicine broadly, and then focus on positioning pediatric oncology at the forefront of the big data revolution. With artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other computational tools making an impact in various healthcare fields, the time is right to begin this important dialogue!

Prelude webinar

Watch our kickoff, pre-summit discussion with leading experts in the field.
Webinar: The Challenges and Promises of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development

Prelude webinar

Watch our kickoff, pre-summit discussion with leading experts in the field.
Webinar: The Challenges and Promises of Artificial Intelligence in Drug Development

Summit Agenda

8:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast

Convene: The Gallery

9:00 am – 9:30 am Welcome to the Summit

Convene: The Central Hub

Speakers: Kay Koehler, CEO, CureSearch for Children’s Cancer;
Jared Brancazio, Chair, Board of Directors, CureSearch;
Tony Pillari, Facilitator, Excelis Consulting

9:30 am – 10:15 am How are Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence Tools Used in Medicine?

Convene: The Central Hub

This session will overview machine learning and artificial intelligence and explore the big-picture perspective of using artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Speaker: Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute

10:15 am Coffee and Snack Break

Convene: The Gallery

10:30 am – 12:00 pm Exploring Opportunities for AI and ML with the Greatest Potential to Benefit Pediatric Oncology

Convene: The Central Hub

Presenters will share where the greatest potential lies for the early adoption of ML and AI in pediatric oncology.

Speakers: Shizhen Zhu, MD, PhD, Mayo Clinic;
Benjamin Kann, MD, Harvard Medical School;
Charles Keller, MD, Children’s Cancer Therapy Development Institute

12:00 pm – 1:15 pm Lunch

Convene: The Gallery

1:15 pm – 3:15 pm Optimizing Data Collection and Sharing to Promote AI Success

Convene: The Central Hub

A panel shares the optimal data collection paradigms to ensure successful integration for ML and AI. A moderated discussion of best practices is followed by Q&A and idea sharing.

Speakers: Casey Greene, PhD, University of Colorado;
Mark Applebaum, MD, University of Chicago;
Madelena Ng, PhD, University of California Berkeley

3:15 pm Coffee and Snack Break

Convene: The Gallery

3:30 pm – 4:30 pm Learning From the Adult Space to Bring ML/AI to Pediatric Oncology

Convene: The Central Hub

Sharing progress and pitfalls and how pediatric oncology can benefit from lessons learned.

Speakers: Kenneth Kehl, MD, MPH, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute;
Martin Akerman, PhD, Envisagenics, Inc.

4:30 pm – 4:45 pm Day 1 Wrap Up

Convene: The Central Hub

Speaker: Tony Pillari, Facilitator, Excelis Consulting

4:45 pm – 5:15 pm Mapping CureSearch Collaborative Successes

Convene: The Central Hub

Share impacts and outcomes of collaborative CureSearch funding and strategic initiatives.

Speakers: Brenda Weigel, MD, MSc, University of Minnesota, CureSearch SAC Chair;
Kay Koehler, CureSearch CEO

5:15 pm – 8:00 pm Welcome Reception & Dinner

Convene: The East Gallery

8:00 am – 9:00 am Breakfast

Convene: The Gallery

9:00 am Goals for the Day

Convene: The Central Hub

9:15 am – 10:30 am CureSearch Researcher Briefs

Convene: The Central Hub

Presenters will share where the greatest potential lies for early adaptation of ML and AI in pediatric oncology.

Speakers: Ranjit Bindra, MD, PhD, Yale University;
Andrew Kung, MD, PhD, from Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center;
Jack F. Shern, NIH (Langenau Project);
Joanna Gell, University of Connecticut;
Jamie Anastas, Baylor College of Medicine

10:30 am Coffee and Snack Break

Convene: The Gallery

10:45 am – 11:30 am Keynote: Building an Enterprise Healthcare AI Entity

Convene: The Central Hub

In this keynote session, Dr. Divya Pathak, Vice Chair, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning & Analytics at the Center for Digital Health at the Mayo Clinic will share the program composition, goals and progress.

11:30 am – 12:00 pm Summit Speed Dating

Convene: The Gallery

Participants will form pairs and have 5 minutes to share before rotating. This will be a great opportunity to facilitate approachability and further networking.

12:00 – 1:00 pm Lunch

Convene: The Gallery

1:00 pm – 2:45 pm Working Groups: Collaboration to Make Machine Learning a Reality

Convene: The Central Hub

Engage academic that has moved to industry and an academic that is strong in this space and develop working groups that can identify how to integrate ML/AI, building frameworks and partnerships to succeed, and the best projects to get us started on the path to making ML/AI a reality in pediatric oncology.

2:45 pm Wrap-Up and Next Steps

Convene: The Central Hub

Speaker: Tony Pillari, Facilitator, Excelis Consulting

3:30 pm CureSearch SAC and IAC Meetings

Convene: The Central Hub

The 2023 CureSearch Summit Agenda is subject to change.

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