A Season of Hope for Childhood Cancer Cures

A Season of Hope for Childhood Cancer Cures

Harlan, was an active and happy toddler when his world changed forever. At just two-years-old, Harlan was diagnosed with a rare brain cancer for which there was no cure.

With no new treatments in over 20 years, Harlan bravely endured standard therapies – radiation, chemotherapy and brain surgery. Yet even in pain, his infectious giggle and big smile captured the hearts of everyone he met.

Harlan in hospital

For his family, daily life revolved around Harlan’s cancer and holding him tightly as he courageously fought his battle for nearly two years. And then, just before his 4th birthday, Harlan lost his fight. Harlan had spent half of his little life battling cancer.

Sadly, we know Harlan was not alone. Each day, approximately 43 kids are diagnosed with cancer and 43 families’ lives are turned upside down as they embark on a new life affected by this terrible disease.

Harlan out and in hospital

Harlan’s family vowed to do everything in their power to change this outcome for other kids, to eliminate the pain of cancer and bring hope to families affected by it. They became involved with CureSearch and rally annually to raise funds to support childhood cancer research.

Harlan at Disney

Join Harlan’s family and CureSearch to help make this a season of hope for every child and family experiencing a heartbreaking cancer diagnosis. Give for kids like Harlan, and for the hope that together we WILL change the future by advancing new, less-toxic childhood cancer treatments and cures. Make your end of year contribution today.

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