Beneficiary Designations

Beneficiary DesignationsWhether or not you have a will, you can leave a gift to CureSearch for Children’s Cancer from your retirement accounts, insurance plan, or other assets that allow you to designate a named beneficiary. It’s simple. Start by contacting the company that holds your account to ask for a beneficiary form. Then fill out the form as instructed and return it to the company. You will need our official name and address, which we list below. The beneficiary form takes precedence over any contradictory language that may be in your will or trust.

As with all gift planning, you should consult with your tax advisor to determine what strategy is best for you. Consulting estate planning professionals will help ensure that your family is well cared for and that you make a lasting impact to help children with cancer. If you need more information or help naming CureSearch on your beneficiary form, please contact Libby Fennell at (240) 235-2222 or

CureSearch for Children’s Cancer
PO Box 45781
Baltimore, MD 21297-5781
EIN #95-4132414

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Beneficiary Designations