Include CureSearch in Your Will

Leaving instructions in your will for a gift to CureSearch is the simplest way to make a significant and lasting gift to support the fight against childhood cancer – and it won’t put a strain on your current income.

Estate tax deduction

Include-in-WillBy leaving a gift to CureSearch in your will (also called a bequest), you will provide your estate with a charitable tax deduction that could result in a lower tax bracket. A bequest can ensure that assets you have worked hard to accumulate over the years will be used to support things you care about long after your lifetime. It is important for you to consult tax and legal advice to complete your bequest; however, as a general rule you will find the following three types of bequests:

Specific Bequest

A Specific Bequest permits you to determine the exact amount of cash, property or other assets you wish for CureSearch to receive. To include a specific bequest to CureSearch, we recommend that you incorporate the following language into your will or living trust:

“I give and bequeath to CureSearch, a nonprofit corporation, having its principal offices at PO Box 45781, Baltimore, MD 21297-5781, the sum of $________, for its general purposes.”

Residuary Bequest

A Residuary Bequest permits you to leave a percentage of the remainder of your estate to CureSearch after all of your specific bequests have been honored. To include a residuary bequest to CureSearch, we recommend that you use the following language:

“I give and bequeath to CureSearch, a nonprofit corporation, having its principal offices at PO Box 45781, Baltimore, MD 21297-5781, ____% of the residue of my estate, for its general purposes.”

Contingent Bequest

A Contingent Bequest permits you to direct that a bequest be made to CureSearch should your named beneficiaries not survive you. To include a contingent bequest to CureSearch, we recommend that you use the following language:

“If the above-named beneficiary (beneficiaries) should predecease me, then I bequeath to CureSearch, a nonprofit corporation, having its principal offices at PO Box 45781, Baltimore, MD 21297-5781, such property of my estate as had been intended for such person(s).”

Additional Information

For additional information on how to include CureSearch in your will or to discuss additional planned giving opportunities, please contact Libby Fennell at (240) 235-2222 or

If you have already made a bequest to CureSearch through your estate plan, please let us know so that we can recognize your valuable support.

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