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Brain Tumors in Children

Just Diagnosed? In Treatment? After Treatment? Signs and Symptoms of Central Nervous System Tumors Typical symptoms of Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors are directly related to the location of the tumor, how fast it is growing and any associated tissue […]

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Long-Term Follow-Up Care

Long-term follow-up for children’s cancer survivors typically begins when patients are in remission and fully recovered from the immediate effects of treatment. Often, this is about two years after completion of treatment. In long-term follow-up, the goal is to help

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One Year Off Treatment

The “one year off therapy anniversary” is a significant time for many families. Blood counts and immune system have recovered, and hair has returned if it is going to. Children usually have more energy and may be experiencing “catch up”

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Life After Cancer

Ending Treatment Ending treatment for cancer in children is, for many families and patients, a time of great joy. It is associated with “success” and with relief at no longer having to endure the many treatments and intense schedules that

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Young Investigator Program

Funding truly transformational science Our Young Investigator Awards combat the loss of promising scientists from the field by providing financial support to investigators early in their research careers, along with career development and mentoring opportunities. These grants are limited to

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