With every donation, you’re supporting research that’s on the path to quickly becoming new treatments.
Our impact report details research breakthroughs, patient stories, fundraising milestones and other important advancements made possible by your support.

Simply put, if a project isn't on an accelerated path to new drug development, we don’t fund it.
Speed is critical for families facing childhood cancers, especially those with low survival rates and limited treatment options. That's why we’re focused on driving the most innovative new therapies towards clinical trials and regulatory approval to directly benefit children and families across the country.
60% of our preclinical projects have moved into clinical trials, compared to a less than 8% average rate of translation of drugs into clinical cancer trials.
Limited federal funding generally supports basic or discovery phase research and, on the opposite end of the development timeline, late-phase clinical trials are supported by biotech and pharmaceutical companies.
There is a significant funding gap for those areas in between, where translational, preclinical, and early-phase clinical trials lie. Our focus on translational research – bench to bedside – is critical.
CureSearch’s funding efforts aim to fill that gap and ensure that promising new therapies make it into clinical trials. With over 60% of pediatric cancer patients participating in a clinical trial, it’s critical that innovate treatment options are available to them.

“I can think of no other foundation primarily focused on funding the developmental work necessary to bring forward new discoveries into groundbreaking clinical trials.” - CureSearch-funded researcher Dr. Elias Sayour

We're not only demonstrating an incredible success rate in driving projects into clinical trials, but we're also doing it at a faster pace. We see therapies identified in the lab move into clinical trials in 4 years compared to an average of 5.5 years [2]. This speed is essential as we remember that pediatric patients are often receiving decades-old treatments.
These impactful results are only possible with the ongoing support of our generous donors, volunteers, fundraisers, and partners. Together, we truly are making an impact for the kids who are counting on us.

We're not only demonstrating an incredible success rate in driving projects into clinical trials, but we're also doing it at a faster pace. We see therapies identified in the lab move into clinical trials in 4 years compared to an average of 5.5 years [2]. This speed is essential as we remember that pediatric patients are often receiving decades-old treatments.
These impactful results are only possible with the ongoing support of our generous donors, volunteers, fundraisers, and partners. Together, we truly are making an impact for the kids who are counting on us.
CureSearch hosts events around the nation that bring together communities to celebrate and honor children affected by cancer.
More than one million families have connected with us for instantly available resources, tools and information about children's cancer.